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Sports Guards Toronto

Sports Guards

Common Types of Sports Guards

If you play any kind of contact sport, your dentist is likely to suggest that you wear a sports guard to protect your teeth. Pharmacies may carry a variety of sports guards, but you may ask your dentist about which one is right for protecting your teeth. Here are the three basic types of mouth guards.

  • Stock Sports Guards – This type of mouth guard is usually very cheap and ready to put in your mouth and wear. The problem with the stock mouth guard is that it doesn’t always fit properly and can be uncomfortable. They are often quite bulky and can make it difficult to breathe or talk.
  • Boil-and-Bite Sports Guards – This is a popular choice for many casual athletes. The plastic guard is pre-formed, but can be fitted to the mouth. The mouthpiece is placed in boiling water which makes it soft and pliable. Once it is soft, it is placed in the mouth and bitten down on. This leaves an impression of your teeth and provides for a closer fit.
  • Customized Mouthpieces – This is the most expensive type, but also the most comfortable. The dentist can have a customized mouth guard made to fit your mouth specifically.

Properly aligned teeth not only give you a beautiful smile, but they can significantly improve your overall dental health.

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